Due to a bug fix, 800,000 Facebook users and victims – VIVA


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VIVA – Facebook apologize to more than 800,000 users affected bugs or errors in their platform. Because of the bug, unlock people who have previously been blocked by the user. In an excuse posted on Monday, July 2, 2018, the company said: the bug was active between May 29 and June 5, 2018.

Facebook users may block other users to prevent someone from accessing the site. To see the messages or to contact users in Messenger. With this bug some blocked users can see messages shared with a wide audience and can contact the person who blocked them via Messenger.

Reported on of CBS News Tuesday, July 3, 2018, Facebook indicates that the problem has been corrected.

"Users will be notified when they are exposed to the bug ." Users will receive Facebook notifications to encourage them to check the blocked lists, "said Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook acknowledges, this bug represents the second bug in less than In June, Facebook revealed, software bug that placed some public messages by default contrary to the previous setting. The bug affects up to 14 million users for a few days last May

Not this time Facebook has been hit by a privacy breach problem before this bug Facebook was ravaged by a leak of Facebook user privacy data involving Cambridge Analytica about 87 million users without their knowledge or without their consent.

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