Due to Principal Tik Tok, teens teens Bowo Alpenliebe, applications that could cause mental problems


SERAMBINEWS.COM – If you were asked not to know the figure of a teen named Bowo Alpenliebe, the answer would have been or has just been discovered.

Yes, 13-year-olds are still "crazy" teenagers (19659002) The owner of the original name Prabowo Mondardo is hovering his name through the action of playing at the # 39, Tik Tok application.

Not only Bowo, because many other teens are also happy, even adamant of this application. social media outside Tik Tok, such as Facebook and Instagram, there are Tik Tok videos that appear on Time Line.

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called, as "ga gaul" if you did not play Tok Tik.

But just like the Internet or other social media, this platform

Especially if you're addicted to Tik Tok, download videos, scroll down, like, comment, and so on All day long.

There are many possible addictive behaviors and not all

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