Due to "Sticky", Queen Dangdut threatened to lose the house


JAKARTA – Unfinished legal issues that are trapping his Dhawiya daughter, Elvy Sukaesih is now sued Singapore singer, Mega Makcik. Because the song "Sticky's" singer nicknamed "Queen Dangdut" is accused Rp2.5 MIliar and threatened to lose his residence

"So the claims of about Rp2, 5 bln." Sticky's "is a song created by Mega Makcik that was included in Elvy's compilation album that was released by PT Elvyda Musik Mas Indonesia (EMMI) .Prof

According to Gus Bejo, Elvy is seen as breaking a promise in relation to the agreement of the song "Sticky". "In fact, what promises like the video clips that have been made, RBT has already been broadcast and covers the CD that was sold, all our customers do not even get the right ", says Bejo

Mega claims to have spent a lot of money in cooperation with PT.EMMI Pro." It's a lot (spending), "said Mega.

Previously, Mega said that He had sent a summons, but never answered.Finally, Mega filed his lawsuit against Elvy Sukesih in the district court of the United States. East of Jakarta

Until now, Elvy has not acted on this lawsuit. (* / mb)

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