Dumped Mario Gomez, Imam Arief Disappointed


– Persib Bandung's third goalkeeper, Imam Arief Fadillah, was officially transferred to PSM Makbadar. It will fill the void left by Shahar Ginanjar who moved to Persija Jakarta

The transfer process of Imam has received the blessing of coach Mario Gomez and Persib leadership.

"Yes it is lent at the end of the year because the coach recommends to Imam to increase flying hours and by coincidence there are clubs interested in borrowing, "said PT Persib Bandung director Dignity Teddy Tjahyono, Tuesday 24/7/2018.

Currently, says Teddy, the imam transfer process is only waiting for the administration. Once confirmed, the imam will soon be introduced PSM.

See also: Arif Anwar and Polemic Transfer Persib Player

"Immediately, the process of administration is being processed (for new guardians) until now there is had no contribution from the coach, until a recommendation from the coach ".

Meanwhile, Imam admits his disappointment at the attitude of Gomez that seems to reject him. The reason, since manipulated Gomez, Imam has never tasted the official match.

"I'm waiting for the approval of the management, goodbye, but I will not say goodbye to the coach (Gomez) but to the children, Pak Anwar, Pak Yaya, Mr. Umuh he allows it and he accepts, "Imam said on Wednesday. (25/7/2018)

Imam says that before the news of his move, Persib guardian Anwar Sanusi had asked him about his relationship with Mario Gomez and Fernando Soler.

See also: Persija officially recruits Shahar Ginanjar with Loan Status

He also tried to ask Gomez. At that time, Gomez revealed that he needed a goalkeeper whose quality is equivalent to Mr. Natsir

I have this statement, Imam disappointed. Because, Gomez has never seen performance in an official game.

"I also objected yes, he did not see the quality on the ground, but he made sure not to go into the criteria, I do not know why, I I am not happy with baseball., the evaluation of a coach's player must be objective.However, he feels unfairly treated by Gomez.

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"This may be a matter of taste, I am not his taste. I'm going to play, I think it's more fair, he never thought, maybe he's scared because I have not tried it, but at the President's Cup why not try it? "The Imam confessed with the decision." According to him, such a thing is a dynamic for footballers.

"The weight leaves Persib, this team is my dream since childhood", has it says (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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