Earth has a ring similar to Saturn, but it makes it disappear


TRIBUN-BALI.COM – The solar system is formed by the Earth and seven other planets.

However, among the eight planets, there are striking differences, namely the planetary rings.

Yes, half of the planets in the solar system have rings. The planets are Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune.

This raises the question, why does the Earth (and some other planets) not have a ring?

If the Earth has a ring, maybe the shape of our planet will be more beautiful. But, it is possible that the opinion is also false.

The shape of the Earth without this ring actually occurs for some reason.

But before that, we must know in advance what are the constituents of the planetary rings.

The rings of the planet are made from different materials, depending on the planet. Saturn which has the most visible ring for example.

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The rings of Saturn are made of icy water, with pieces the size of a mountain to form a grain of sand.

While the rings of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, weaker than the rings of Saturn, are made of dust and stone.

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