Easing orders of Chinese investors alleged by the DNI


Rmol. The easing of the negative investment list (DNI) stipulated in the 16th economic policy package is supposed to be the order of a particular party.

Not at all shy, this policy would have been put at the service of Chinese investors.

A researcher from the Indonesian Association of Political Economy (AEPI), explained Salamuddin Daeng, given the magnitude of the slowdown in activities, especially the MSME sector, it is unlikely that this policy will be pursued. Address to investors of multinationals from the United States and Europe.

"They (US and European investors) go into the mines, the oil and gas, which are big, they're small, they do business very far." US companies are busy with what they do. They do, take a long time to collect money, "he explained. Relaxation Policy "Questioning the Negative Investment List" at the National Secretariat, Prabowo-Sandi, Menteng, Jakarta, Tuesday (11/27).

According to Salamuddin, also economic observer, if one is based on the scale of his business, the most likely 16th economic policy package is the order of Chinese investors.

"So if I see that from the outside this can be a reference for this order, China, it's because China is a huge MSME.I take the example, for example, the tobacco, one of which is open.Tobacco in China is a small business, as is Indonesia, "he explained. . [wah]

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