Easy ways to phone, call video and chat WhatsApp you're not down


BANGKAPOS.COM – Of course, all these people are awake to their private secrets or privacy.

Not only has he escaped the ex-girlfriend's wiretapping, but sometimes he does not want the boss to oversee too much the daily activities of a jobless employee.

Well, these tips for your WhatsApp conversation, your phone calls and video

There are at least three ways to prevent your WhatsApp account from being connected by a partner.

The first way using a third-party application named WhatsLock.

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] WhatsApp Tips ()

This application allows you to secure the WhatsApp application with a pbadword either PIN or Patern which is quite complicated.

The second way with check using WhatsApp Web feature. the tapping system works in the same way as the WhatsApp web system.

So when you connect your application to WhatsApp Web and that it turns out to be connected (19659003) The third way, seems to be a fairly effective way suggested by the team of nextren.

The reason you are really using the original WhatsApp feature called two-step verification

Just click on Settings, select the Account menu, select Two Step Verification, and then click on Enable [19659002] Next, you will be prompted to specify a six-digit secret code. to enter the WhatsApp account

Illustration (Bandwidth Blog)

This way, when someone else wants to connect to the WhatsApp account with your name, it will be invited to enter the secret code.

But, you will not forget the code either, you can not enter WhatsApp. (nextren.grid.id/ Hesti Puji Lestari)

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