Reporter of the sripoku.com reporter, RM Resha AU
SRIPOKU.COM, PALEMBANG -Arema Arema FC Eating Konate is not angry with the management decision of Sriwijaya FC which l & # 39; evaluated a few days ago.
On his return from Saturday (21/7/2018), he did not want to make celebrities despite the goals scored or the badists in the game.
"I will not celebrate if I score later. want to bow down, thank God, "Sripo said Friday (20/07/2010). This Malian midfielder has recognized his professionalism even when he will face his former colleagues while grazing the team dubbed Laskar Wong Kito. That way, he will not lower the tension during the competition at Srivijaya Jakabaring Stadium (GSJ) later.
The target was not joking, he intends to score in the last game of the first round of the league 2018. Even if he can not, he will still try his luck by printing some pbades, which will become his specialization in this season 2018.
"The Sriwijaya opponent wins the first team by three points.If I can score goals, because the first target wins first. can not print a goal to help love.It's my target in every match, "he said.
Indeed, on the one hand, he is saddened to leave his recently strengthened Sriwijaya FC for half of the season. The reason, he admitted while he was still in the team, penggawa conditions already quite compact in terms of cooperation against mushnya in the Ligue 1 2018.
"Yesterday we played together but now he is an opponent.The football you are here tomorrow could be there.But in our field opponents outside of our friends.Ah but it is yes, yesterday the team is already compact began to wake up, but some players were barred, "he concluded. (mg5)
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