Eclipse is not a regular phenomenon, the Messenger of Allah sees the sky and hell, here is the story


By: Zul Anshary Lc

A natural phenomenon in the form of a total lunar eclipse or a super moon of blood will reappear tonight or at dawn on Saturday (28/07/2018), from 01.25 to 05.25 WIB Various recordings show that the lunar eclipse of the night whose duration reaches 3 hours 54 minutes is the longest lunar eclipse of this century.

But did you know that in the Islamic teachings eclipses are not a natural phenomenon. Baitul Arqam Sibreh Aceh Besar, quoted by Syech Zul Anshary Lc, Eclipse event occurred at the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, which is the 29 Shawwal 10 Hijri or 27 January 632 AD

At that time, a solar eclipse ring that can be seen by citizens the northern part, the Arabian Peninsula, and India.

(Read: 5 The lunar eclipse occurs in Indonesia The last 4 years, the eclipse of the moon July 28, 2018 is the eternal of the century)

a cosmic during the total lunar eclipse, LAPAN named hoax)

Coincidentally, the same day, the son of the prophet Muhammad SAW named Ibrahim bin Muhammad died at the age of 16 years.

Islam believes that the eclipse is a sign of the death of an eminent person, and then directly badociates the solar eclipse to the death of the son of the Prophet (saws) [19659003KnowingthisProphetMuhammadSAWsaysthattheeclipseistotallyindependentofthedeathofhisson19659003] When the solar eclipse occurs, the Messenger of Allah calls Muslims to hurry up to perform prayer, prayer, remembrance and pray to Allah

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