Ed Sheeran Sue Rp 1,4 T Tiru Lagu Marvin Gaye


Ed Sheeran was sued for 100 million US dollars for allegedly copying the section of Marvin Gaye's song, Let's Get It On . Apparently, the singer took parts of this clbadic 1973 song for the number one song Thinking Out Loud

US legal documents accuse melody, rhythm, harmony, drums, bbad line, backing chorus tempo, syncope and iteration, as reported in BBC friday (29/6).

Ed faced a lawsuit on the same path, and has always denied the allegations. This new application has been filed by a company called Structured Asset Sales, which holds a portion of Gaye's copyright.

Gaye co-wrote the song with American singer Edward Townsend, who died in 2003. Structured Asset Sales bought a third of the copyright. . Townsend's heirs sue Ed in 2016, also claim Thinking Out Loud print Let's go on . It is not known if the case has been resolved.

Other defendants included in new claims include Sony / ATV Music Publishing, Atlantic Disc Tag and Amy Padge – who co-wrote the song.

Last year, Ed completed $ 20 million in copyright infringement claims against him in the United States for his hit song, photograph . Songwriters Thomas Leonard and Martin Harrington sued the singer, claiming that the hit ballad Ed had a structure similar to that of their song, Amazing .

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