Eggi Sudjana Fobia Narrow space


JAKARTA, – Vice President of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Fadli Zon, said the alleged suspects of treason, Eggi Sudjana, were suffering from phobias or feared to be in a tight room.

According to Fadli, the complaint was allegedly brought by Eggi, who was in the detention center of the Metro Jaya Regional Police during his visit on Wednesday (29/05/2019).

"The cells (Eggi Sudjana) (measuring 3 x 1 meter) and (Eggi Sudjana) have a history of various diseases that, I think, can also be a phobia of a narrow place conducive to hallucinations," said Fadli at the Jaya Metro Regional Police Wednesday.

Read also: Eggi Sudjana Entrust yourself to Fadli Zon in the Polda metro prison, what story?

Fadli hopes that investigators will be able to suspend Eggi's detention for humanitarian reasons.

"He requested that the suspension of detention be possible.I think it is a humanitarian reason, the brother of Eggi also has several diseases and is in a close cell," he said. .

Fadli returned Wednesday in the regional police of the Jaya metropolitan area to investigate alleged treason cases, Eggi Sudjana and Sungkharisma Locations (29/05/2019).

Fadli has visited them both for one hour since 13:30. He came with a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives III of the Gerindra party, Supratman Andi Aktas.

Eggi was detained for 20 days from 14 May. The detention decision was issued after Eggi had been interrogated for more than 30 hours since May 13 at 4:30 pm

Read also: Continuation of the examination of Ustadz Sambo as a witness of the Makar case, Eggi Sudjana delayed

Eggi was named treason suspect linked to the call the power of people.

It has stopped Article 107 of the Penal Code and / or Article 110 of the Penal Code combined with Article 87 of the Penal Code and / or the article. 14, paragraphs 1 and 2 and / or Article 15 of the Law No. 1 of 1946 on Criminal Law.

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