Eliminate Ingus use the flag of the country, Spanish comedians judged


MADRID, KOMPAS.com – A Spanish humorist, Dani Mateo, was introduced to the audience on Monday (26/11/2018), due to his actions that were considered to have lowered the country's flag.

Start from AFPMateo's case was linked to his appearance on television on October 31st.

At that time, Mateo was presenting a comic sketch in which a party was sneezing and sniffing at the Spanish flag.

Subsequently, Mateo acted as if he apologized to the country and the King of Spain and China as a country that sells cloth to make flags.

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The sketch presented by Mateo turned out to be considered an insult by the police forces of the Civil Guard, who reported it to the court.

"The flag is a symbol of the unity of the people, respect it, not to respect it is not a joke."

"It can shock proud people and those who dedicate their lives and work to the values ​​of peace and freedom that they represent," said the Civil Guard police in his tweet.

While Mateo, before the trial of Monday (26/11/2018), expressed concern over the views given to the country and the Spanish flag because of this case.

"As a citizen, I am worried because we summon a clown in front of a judge for his work."

"It worries me about the opinions given to the state and to my flag," he said during the trial.

The case of Mateo is the latest in a series of cases that have trapped artists in Spain because they are considered to have insulted the country or the king, raising concerns for freedom of life. Expression in the country.

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Previously, a number of Twitter users and rap singers had been accused of supporting terrorists and insulting the king through comments or lyrics.

One of them was the rapper Valtonic who had to flee to Belgium to escape a sentence of three and a half years of imprisonment imposed by a Spanish court for his actions considered insulting and threatening to the king in his words.

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