Emil Dardak Appreciation of gratitude Gus Ipul


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Vice Governor of East Java Elu Emil Elistianto Dardak appreciated the attitude of the former rival opponent in East Java elections Syaifullah Yusuf.

Previously, Syaifullah Yusuf aka Gus Ipul congratulated the couple Khofifah Indar Parawansa-Emil Elistianto Dardak for his victory in the East Java elections

"We appreciate the congratulations of Mr. Syaifullah Yusuf," said Emil during his meeting at the Service House. Jalan Widyacandra IV, President of RPM MPR, Jakarta, Thursday (12/07/2018).

See also: Surya Paloh asks Khofifah-Emil to win Jokowi in the presidential election of 2019

According to Emil, the attitude of Gus Ipul is a positive thing for build East Java

I hope it will be a good start, so that we can build East Java together, "he said.

Including, said Emil, to continue the various programs that were proclaimed at the head of the previous period.

Read also: Emil Dardak does not talk problem to Democrats The Khofifah supports Jokowi

"For that there is a continuity in things that need to be perfected and are already under way, "says Emil

The General Election Commission announced the result of the recap of Serentak 2018 votes, including the East Java elections

According to KPU data, the number of elections in East Java is of 30,155,719 people, the number of valid ballots 19,541,232 votes and the number of ballot papers

From KPU's recapitulation result, Khofifah Indar's pair Parawansa-Emil Elistianto Dardak was declared the winner with 10,465 .218 votes (53.55%).

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