Empty empty box, Gerindra accuses the mayor of Makassar Curang – VIVA


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VIVA – Defeat of the Munafri-Rachmatika couple against empty box in the electoral district of Makbadar City Head, South Sulawesi, long queues

The Gerindra Party considers that there has been fraud in the Makbadar City elections, (19659004) Gerindra suspects the involvement of Makbadar mayor, Danny Pomanto, in a fraud that caused the defeat of Munafri-Rachmatika's mate

The allegation was pbaded on by the president of the Legal Advocacy Institute of Greater Indonesia PDP Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, during the reporting of fraud to the Electoral Oversight Council

"We reported the alleged involvement of Danny Pomanto as Mayor of Makbadar in favor of from the empty box to Pilwalkot ", said Habiburokhman, Thursday, July 5, 2018.

According to Habiburokhman the cheating done by the mayor of Makbadar is so terstruktiur because it implies seseoran (19659006)" It s & rsquo; is a serious violation that we believe should be followed by Bawaslu, "he said.

With this report, he asked Bawaslu to follow the fraud quickly. "We hope that Bawaslu will not just bluff on monetary policy, that is to say on the spirit of socialization, but weak when the action will be launched. The danger of elections will come because people think that he can make money. "Habiburokhman claimed that the victory of empty squares in Makbadar elections is hard to accept

" Because ga can disqualify empty squares it is appropriate that Bawaslu recommends to the KPU to re-vote (PSU) ", he said.

Known, in the elections of the city of Makbadar, against the empty squares of the Munafri-Rachmatika couples, there are 10 parties Golkar, Gerindra, PDP, PPP, PKS, Nasdem, Hanura, PBB and PKPI. (ase)

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