Enjoy VIP facilities at this airport, Syahrini spend money Tens Million Rupiah


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – After spending holidays in the United States, Syahrini returned to Indonesia. While he was still at the Los Angeles International Airport, the Princess was able to show the VIP facilities that he received at the airport through a post photo on Instagram.

"Chauffeured at the entrance to the plane by @theprivatesuite at LAX, really an experience of a kind, Bye Bye Los Angeles … Hello Korea, (At the door from the private suite at LAX airport. One of the precious experiences, goodbye Los Angeles, Halo Korea) " Syahrini wrote Monday (25/7).

To obtain the VIP facility of The Private Sue, Syahrini spent a lot of money

  Syahrini at the Los Angeles Airport. (Instagram)

Syahrini at the Los Angeles Airport. (Instagram)

Silansir by Instagram account @ fashionsyahrini, the VIP service price of the private suite if it becomes member for international travel is 3,000 US dollars or for the price no member is 4000 US dollars or about 57 million rupees. The price is beyond the price of the plane ticket

But the price is comparable to the service received. In addition to waiting in a special salon with an exclusive service, Syahrini also boarded a special car that drove it to the door of l & # 39; air.

. Shoes Shoes used by Syahrini only, derived from the Chanel brand, cost about 15 million rupiahs. Amazing again, the price of Hermes Caleche-Express luggage that he tries is worth a car that is 7950 US dollars or about Rp114 million. Wow!

(ges / bin)

Author Agestia Jatilarasati

edited by Binsar Hutapea

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