Enlargement of the use of B20 biodiesel, the government continues the B30 test


Jakarta – The government has determined that the planned use of biodiesel-based B30 fuel could be Euro 4 compliant for diesel engines by 2021. The fuel is currently under study and will start to be tested early 2019.

The B30 application is an extension of the use of B20 that is being implemented. This is stated in the LHK P20 / MenLHK / Setjem / Kum.1 / 3/2017 Ministerial Regulation.

The director of the maritime industry, transport equipment and defense equipment, Putu Juli Ardika, during the intelligent discussion forum of Indonesian journalists from the automotive industry (Forwot), Jakarta, revealed Tuesday ( 27/11/2018) that this diesel fuel containing 30% vegetable mix as Euro 4 BBM in 2021.

"The end of the year has actually started its preparations, the development has been good, between 80 and 90%, it is only 10%," Putu said.

"We are still in the discussion.This speech arises because in the near future, 2019, we will perform tests, while in 2021, the implementation of Euro 4. has begun So we're wondering about why not all of them are tested later, but that has not been decided yet, "he continued.

At the same time, Agus Saptono, head of the bioenergy services sub-directorate and supervision of activities at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, revealed that biodiesel was not designed to Euro 4. From now on, all forms of energy use can be understood using the different roadmaps defined previously.

"In reality, it's not like that, we follow the pattern in Indonesia, B20, Euro 4, it's an external policy, so we try to synchronize it at the end," Agus said.

"Why not go directly to B30, we find that the resistance level is good enough, from the technical point of view, the main one being a lot, that means we repair everything, the B30 tests are still done because of the regulation in force to study, "he concluded. (ruk / lth)

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