Enliven Indonesia Music Concert Rise, here Reza Artamevia Preparation


  Enliven Concert Revive Music Indonesia, here Preparation Reza Artamevia

Reza Artamevia will hold a concert with Rise Music Indonesian alongside Addie MS and Riki Putra on July 21st.

The old is not heard, the beautiful singer Reza Artamevia will give a concert titled "Bangkit Musik Indonesia" at Ciputra Artpreneur Theater, South Jakarta, July 21. The ex-wife of Adjie Mbadaid will collaborate with Addie MS and Riki Putra .

For the good performance of the concert, Reza claimed to take care of his health. One of them is to rest enough.

"Preparation if I am the most important health," said Reza during the interview WowKeren in Antasari, South Jakarta on Friday (13/7). "Because as a singer of his own body instrument, he must be healthy to keep the vocal cords should also be healthy, it is the greatest." The vocal chords leave a healthy, adequate rest, which wrote."

Reza also feels his extraordinary pbadion in this concert. Reza claims to be eager to try the costume that he will wear later in the concert.

"Yes, it's really exciting to make me a singer of all events it's exciting because it's different," Reza continued. "Due to the difference, it becomes our kit exciting so, it is exclaimed if the costume is one of our chances of wearing different types of clothing, so can explore everything. "

In the concert, Reza will of course bring his own song. For the exercise plan, it's still done next week complete with all the orchestra.

"If I still do preparatnya, too much nyanyinya also baseball," continued Reza. "Singing is also my song but it's important because I have not exercised, new training next week, the 18th, so I have to bring the song and go back with the orchestra."

Reza promised to give his best performance in this concert. It will seem to fascinate all the spectators who will come.

"For me yes I have to show my best," Reza added. "I must be so charming if I play, I must be able to achieve it, Charming does not mean we are spreading the spell, but yes Emang if we seem to be charming."

For Reza, being charming is not charismatic. But through his performance, he can entertain the audience and make him happy.

"If the charismatic is absolutely yes but if for example (charismatic) it is charming to see people happy to see that it should be able to entertain what is important I must be able to entertain "said Reza. "I must be able to make people happy, the person who invited me who invited my cooperation is happy. It's the main thing and I care and when I'm on the scene I have to believe that everything they can thank me or they kill less. "

Touched on how his collaboration with Addie and Riki, Reza says it's a management issue. Reza also has the honor to be able to collaborate with them.

"Oh, that's the management of filtering," Reza explained. "The management knows and at all times what the work is, what we get is very appreciated, no matter."

In this concert, Reza will look bady. But the section in question is his voice. He also told his children will be present to watch on stage.

"That must seem," said Reza. "Yeah kids if his mother did it diabolically yes."

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