Enno Lerian announces the birth of the fourth child


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – The face of Enno Lerian is long enough not to adorn the glbad screen of the country.

Enno recently announced the good news. he announced by a download on his Instagram account on Tuesday that he had given birth to his fourth son on Sunday, December 10, 2017.

The little boy named Gema Tyaga Soesetyo, whom they called Aga.

Assalamualaikum .. Introduce the smallest hero of #keluargasoesetyo, Gema Tyaga Soesetyo.Born Sunday afternoon with the most beautiful birth ", writes Enno Lerian in his uploader.

Just like the most of the parents, the singer also wants his son to become a pious child

" Pray that the Aga is the next child, the child who has widened the reward door for both parents , the child who always wears love as the brother of his brother, perfect the happiness of the family soesetyo Thank you all for praying Aga to be born smoothly and without the least "said Enno Lerian.

Enno Lerian married me with Priambodo Soesetyo in 2011 then. From the wedding, it's her third child. Another child from his first marriage to Nayaka Untara

(dika / gur)

Author Christiya Dika Handayani

edited by Tubagus Guritno

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