Eruption, Mount Agung Lontarkan Lava Pen on Monday evening


Gunung Agung went back to eruption several times throughout Monday (2/7).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BALI – Gunung Agung went back to eruption several times throughout Monday (2/7). "On Monday evening, the residents of Gunung Agung were shocked by the explosion accompanied by a loud explosion," said Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, head of information and public relations at BNPB. In a statement obtained Republika, Monday (2/7).

PVMBG itself reported that there was an eruption in Mount Agung, Bali. The eruption occurred at 21:04 WITA with the height of the ash column observed at about 2,000 meters above the peak (± 5,142 m above sea level). The gray columns observed are gray with a strong intensity leaning towards the west. This eruption is also recorded in the seismogram with a maximum amplitude of 24 mm and a duration of about 7 minutes 21 seconds. The eruption took place in a Strombolian with a click sound

"The eruption is an explosion of incandescent rocks because there is pressure from inside the crater "said Sutopo.

Lontaran The incandescent lava observed on the crater reaches a distance of 2 kilometers. The forest around the summit of Mount Agung Crater was set on fire so that the fire was quite strong in some parts.

Pasebaya volunteers reported that incandescent lava flows from the summit of Mount Agung to the east-northeast slopes towards the Culik and Dukuh regions of the Karangasem Regency. It also leads to the west and south. "The local population immediately carries out an independent evacuation and goes down to the safe villages, the status of Gunung Agung remains alert (level 3) with a dangerous radius of 4 km from the top of the crater," he said.

Himawari BMKG satellite monitoring itself shows that the spread of volcanic ash leads mainly to the west. To date, I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport of Denpasar Bali still operates normally. Similarly, the airports of Banyuwangi, Jember and Lombok

To the public, Sutopi called to remain calm. Do not be easily provoked on misleading issues and use all information related to PVMBG volcanoes as an official institution.

"Gunung Agung has installed a full range of early warning system equipment and continues to function well," he said. the night is done in an orderly manner. The evacuation community is urged not to leave the regency of Karangasem but is sufficiently located in the KRB II region to facilitate the treatment of refugees. BNPB and BPBD continue to coordinate with PVMBG, BMKG and other parties.

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