Even less enthusiastic, Facebook Complete Chat Feature in Stories


Jakarta, Selular.ID – Facebook adopts Snapchat Stories to all their social networks and posts, including Instagram and WhatsApp.

Instagram and WhatsApp Stories appear to be able to succeed, and become the most popular, with the number of daily users is 300 million and 450 million respectively

Unlike Stories on Instagram and WhatsApp, Stories on Facebook has only 150 million users.

So, Facebook is constantly updating to boost users of Stories on its platform

One of them is a Facebook chat feature. Facebook is likely to enter or tag other users in answers in Stories so that it creates a new conversation group in Messenger. So users can see Messenger's answers without leaving Stories.As reported Ndtvs Gadgets.

Not only that, users can answer Stories with stickers and reaction buttons like, sad and others, which is usually in the comment field. the first steps of this feature are only available in the United States, Mexico and Brazil.

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