Exhibition Photos Shandy Aulia, Kahiyang Ayu Ask Netizen Ignore Appearance


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Second daughter of President Joko Widodo, Kahiyang Ayu pregnant with her first child with Bobby Nasution. Apparently, an enlarged body due to pregnancy makes that Kahiyang Ayu does not seem confident.

It was revealed Kahiyang Ayu in his download Thursday (7/6). In his article, Kahiyang Ayu shares a picture with artist Shandy Aulia.

Wearing natural makeup, both men look compact while smiling at the camera. In the description section of the photo, Kahiyang Ayu implicates his mistrust of being coupled with the film player Eiffel I In Love . Kahiyang Ayu also asked people to ignore her appearance.

  Kahiyang Ayu photo with Shandy Aulia. (Instagram)

Photo of Kahiyang Ayu with Shandy Aulia.

Kahiyang Ayu

Knowing Kahiyang Ayu who appeared inferior, netizens flooded his post with praise. Not only that, a number of Netizens also made a prayer for Kahiyang and the baby he was wearing.

"Although the width remains beautiful n ayu," reviews

"Mbak ayang cantik banget bumiiil (19459007)" Wide? Nga … naturally his name is jg pregnant … The important thing is that the baby is healthy, his mother is fresh n ayu #since him, "

Author ( 19459014) Christiya Dika Handayani

Edited by Binsar Hutapea

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