Expert opinions on the controversy of Ahmad Dhani

[ad_1] – The trial of the case of hate speech with the accused musician Ahmad Dhani was again held at the District Court Jakarta At this trial, prosecutors brought Linguists from the Agency for Language Development and Development to the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

Witness named Setyo Untoro. Setyo, studying the three dictators of Ahmad Dhani who sat on the couch

The first incident, "who challenged the religion of Ahok, tried by KH Marif Amin,"

the second clan, "whoever supports religious denominators is a bastard"

Third third, "please be the first divine, governor of religion to be governor, you are healthy in spirit."

Setyo discusses the three questionable quotes. From the context point of view

"From a contextual point of view, the three levels have links between the before and after sentences, so I think they're related," he said.

Then, from the similarities. Setyo estimates that there is also some kind of similarity of the lover. One of them is the use of letters.

"Three points of Ahmad Dhani use capital letters," he said.

In addition, Setyo saw a teenager of Ahmad Dhani, even accused negatively. He looked at the word of the bitch

"The second story of the bastard, there is a negative meaning of the word bastard, so the word to curse," he said.

While other teens mean neutral. "The first sentence is neutral, indeed at the time it was the case, the third sentence is also for the PQ of religion is against the first," she said.

Previously, Ahmad Dhani was accused of hatred. "Brother Dhani we are responsible for article 45 letter A paragraph 2 junto 28 paragraph 2 of the law number 19 year 2016 law number 11 year 2008 on ITE junto article 55 paragraph 1 KUHP", he said at the reading the record


Ahmad Dhani threatened with a maximum sentence of six years imprisonment

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