Explanation of SMRC The results of the survey on problems are missing with fast counting


The accuracy of the survey results depends on many things.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Executive Director of Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) Djayadi Hanan evaluates the outcome of the survey by various survey agencies with quick results due to several factors. The survey was a portrait at the time of the survey, it could be used as an indication of the acquisition of the candidate vote on the day of H. The accuracy depends on many things, the time of the survey, not when "In 19459007 exit survey conducted by SMRC, Djayadi revealed that up to 42 percent of voters began to regularly choose their partner about three weeks before According to him, the results of the investigation are very dynamic

"Why the change took place in such a short time, if the attention of the voters of Rindu, Duo DM, Fun, in terms of affiliation on the choice of president coincided so many supporters of Prabowo He said,

He explained, only in the last three weeks there was a feeling turned to Prabowo. He felt that despite the effect of the sign replacing the president of 2019, he explained that the process of rapid change of results was only about the return of supporters who squeezed between the two options (Ridwan Kami-Uu and Deddy Mizwar Dedi Mulyadi) in Prabowo. confirming that there is absolutely no influence of the survey to the public. "To date, the voting behavior has no conclusive effect," he said.

Vice President of the Party Gerindra Ferry Juliantono also pointed to the survey institutions that gave the results of the survey missed. he badumes that the difference of 20 percent more does not make sense.

"If the margin of only five per cent still makes sense, is more and more erroneous outside the framework of methodological thinking." In other regions), "Ferry has declared in the region of Cikini, Jakarta, Saturday (30/6).

He also suspects the commission's attempts by the investigation to win certain candidate pairs. In order to avoid such allegations, he advised the investigating body to involve the parties in the conduct of the investigation.

"If enggak involves parties or does not openly disclose who are the lenders, then wary, especially if there is a very fatal mistake," he said.

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