Expression of expression of poppy flowers and blessed husbands with a second child


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Poppy flower accompanied by her husband, Muhammad Fattah Riphat, and her first daughter Khanza held a second press conference after delivery at Melia Hospital, Cibubur , East Jakarta, Friday (20/7).

Poppy Bunga gave birth to the second boy by caesarean section on Tuesday July 17, 2018, named Mohammad Arkandra Malik Riphat.

Poppy Bunga is really eager to give birth to her second baby normally. But unfortunately the desire can not be realized because he is afraid to put himself in danger and small.

Although unable to deliver normally, Poppy Bunga remains happy for the grace given by God for him. In addition, the child was born perfectly without missing anything.

Shortly after birth, Poppy Bunga and her husband, Muhammad Fattah Riphat, immediately named her second child who is known to be male, Muhammad Arkandra Malik Riphat. He was born on July 17, 2018 at around 8:40 pm

"Thank God, here is our second child named Mohammad Arkandra Malik Riphat, Alhamdulillah in good health weighing 3.4 Kg high 51 Cm," explains Poppy Flower.

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