Eza Gionino clashed with his mother, Ardina Rasti Prays Best


Bintang.com, Jakarta Ardina Rasti once established a love with Eza Gionino . In the past, Rasti has also had a fight with his lover is in the right way. It has been shown that Eza committed acts of persecution in Rasti during the courtship display. Eza was finally tested prodeo hotel.

The incident finally broke the relationship as well as their communication. Both lived their respective lives. Ardina Rasti also married a man of her choice.

"Not at all (communicating)," said Ardina Rasti at the XXI Epicentrum, in the Kuningan region, south of Jakarta, Monday (16/7/2018) .

Rasti claimed not to know with Eza news later. Also when the first one who wants to marry his lover is a blow to the blessing of his mother, Ruch Gaya. Rasti chose not to comment.

"I do not know at all, so I do not dare to comment, especially since it's a private matter, I do not think I'll comment, but whatever It happens, everything will be fine. "

Although there is no grudge, but Eza's figure never scratched the heart of Ardina Rasti. "I know that it was, where we have a problem, where I was the victim at the time, I still hope the deterrent effect that he can do from him a better person, "he said. "The woman hopes that other women do not do it.I still hope everything he did after that time, we have everything that he could become a better person" , he continued.

Eza Gionino gives strength to Ardina Rasti

When Eza Gionino finally became a good person, Rasti does not want anything else.Therefore, he prefers to keep the comment and wishes the best for Eza and his extended family.

"I am afraid to comment that if I do was negative then, so now (19459006) Eza Gionino ) is positive, I am the bad dong, do it all with hope aja family relations, any relationship, so if there is a problem should be resolved, " Ardina Rasti . [ad_2]
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