Eza Gionino: My apologies, please pray his rest


DEPOK, KOMPAS.co m – Conflict with his mother Ruch Gaya for not getting married blessing, the role artist Eza Gionino apologized to his mother. "Eza is excused, Eza is again excused, Eza left home for not being anything," Eza said with eyes. Tears in a press conference at Cwie Mie Malang, Cibubur, Depok, West Java, Wednesday (11/7/2018).

"Mom can say no matter what, mom can say, mom dies baseball must look (body) mom, my baseball.Even when Eza is a child of mom.Mama who knows Eza how from the beginning," he said again.

This man named Muhammad Eza Pahlevi born adds that despite disagreeing with his mother, he will never change. (19659004)

He only asks his mother to open his heart and bless his wedding plans with his chosen wives, Meiza Aulia or Eca.

"Yang Eza asked only a Ma, please open a little, a little, do not get the emotion of the priority Eza wants to marry Ma, Eza already married Eza knows that mom is hoping for the best for Eza, "he said. 19659002] "Just help mama love Eza luck, Eza wants to marry the choice of Eza who insha Allah, later also love the same mom He taught, directing Eza to the good road. Please help him." please help Ma's blessings, "he added. Because, according to him, it is useless to worship and marry so far so far the blessing of the mother has not been. As a result, he apologized and promised to visit his mother directly.

"Eza sure to love even mama EZA please help restore Eza, that's all.So, who does not want to meet his mother, I want to make peace with my mother , want to meet the mother if my mother has to calm her heart "Eza Gionino left the house after the mother did not bless

She apologized to the media just to clarify rumors. After that, Eza will definitely solve the problem personally.

In fact, according to Eza's confession, he tried to excuse himself by sending an SMS to his mother on the last day. However, I received no response.

"I'm sorry it's through the media, it's not really good, I want to solve family problems by coming to excuse me without going through the media," he said. . Yesterday's rumors come out so I have to excuse myself like this, so again Ma, please pahamin Eza tuh wants to go home, want to see Mama, "says Eza to new

Read also: Eza Gionino denies my wife candidate [19659017] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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