Facebook Selfie Camera can read the emotions?


Facebook has just published a patent that allows users to capture selfie then the result is automatically boosted with filters that match the emotional state.

This patent was filed more than a year ago, but just opened to the public diumbar last week. The premise is simple, that is to say give a selfie filter that really fits

Meanwhile, the filter selfie in various services is often self-selected by the person. ;user. In any emotional state, the user can use a filter to cover it.

It can be badumed that the latest Facebook patent is about to invite Internet users to be more honest with their feelings. For example, if Facebook technology detects a happy emotion, the selfie filter that comes out is "happy panda".

See also: 4 tips for making selfie photos inviting a bit like

"shocked emotion seen filter " surprised eyes " angry emotion filter given & # 39 'angry bird' sad emotions are data filter "gushing tears" ", as it appears on the patent statement, as compiled KompasTekno ] Friday (29/6/2018), from Mashable . Filter Selfie This emotional detection is made possible by technology machine learning (ML), based on the characteristics of human faces collected when it is expressed.

Although the title is filter selfie "emotional detector", in fact there are other factors of this patent. Result selfie Users can also embed the filter based on the location or content inside the photo.

"For example, when a user is at the zoo and sees a panda with a smile, then it could be that the outgoing filter is" happy panda, "said a spokesperson for Facebook.

Not yet clear when Facebook will realize this patent in the form of functionalities in its social network services Let's wait

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