Facebook test features "Snooze", Block messages with specific keywords


KOMPAS.com – Facebook would test a new feature that allows users to block or hide messages, which contain certain keywords in the calendar.

This keyword hold feature can hide unwanted messages for 30 days. This feature will be very useful when users want to avoid certain conversations, such as the political debate on the film's spoiler.

How to use this feature is quite easy. Users simply press the option option in the form of a three-dot symbol at the top right of the download. Then, the option "Pause the keyword in this article" will appear

If the option is selected, the user will be prompted to enter the keyword you want to hide from the time line.

Cited KompasTekno of The Next Web Thursday (06/28/2018), because it is still in test phase, this feature is only available for a limited number of users. Facebook Snooze is also said to be a development of previous features that also allows users to hide content for 30 days.

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"Although we are trying to display the most relevant additions on the line, we are not always right.C & # That's why we designed this feature, "said Facebook official blog.

Unfortunately, this feature only works to hide user downloads and does not work to hide ads. However, it is thought that this feature can make the life of the user more relevant and as you wish.

"We hope this extra option can help personalize your life experience," writes Facebook.

In December 2017, Facebook also released similar features. The difference is that it does not hide downloads based on the keyword or keywords, but only on hidden content. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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