Faced with the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, it's the ideal type of leader according to Jokowi


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – President Joko Widodo said that faced with the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, Indonesia should be guided by figures with specific criteria so as not to lag behind other countries.

"We all know the 4.0 industrial revolution, the digital economy has begun to come in and we need to react quickly because it disrupts radical changes, unexpected changes, devastating existing standards," Jokowi said in a statement. a speech delivered at the annual meeting of the Bank of Indonesia. at JCC Senayan, Tuesday (27/11/2018).

"So we need leaders, what kind of people, what agents of transformation, at village, regency / city, province and country levels, at BUMN management level, in private companies? Like what do we need? "He continued.

First, Indonesia needs open minded leaders. Because, faced with something new and never before, it is necessary to be flexible so that someone can understand it and react well.

Moreover, according to Jokowi, it is now the era of openness.

In addition, Indonesia needs leaders ready to cope with the products of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

"Secondly, we need leaders ready to deal with the emergence of advanced robotics, virtual reality, bitcoin and cryptocurrency – if leaders are shocked, they will not react quickly, they will not know these changes quickly, we will stay, "said Jokowi.

Read also: President Jokowi's words on the speed of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Thirdly, Indonesia needs leaders who can react quickly and be results-oriented. This is not specifically focused on the procedure.

We also need leaders focused on goals and results. Not process-oriented, long, convoluted, who takes care of permits for years, weeks or months. "It's not like that anymore," said Jokowi.

Finally, Indonesia must have leaders capable of working with all elements of the nation.

Kompas TV Airlangga Hartarto's statement on President Jokowi's two periods was delivered during a speech at GIIAS 2018.

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