Fadli not shocked Limits of materials testing President's term and vice-president dismissed MK


Journalist Tribunnews, Taufik Ismail

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The Constitutional Court (MK) rejects the judicial review of Law No. 17 of 2017 concerning elections related to the term of office of President and Vice-President.

Under the rule, the chair or vice-chair twice should not move again.

In response to this question, Vice President Gerindra Fadli Zon said that he was not surprised.

The limitation of the presidency and vice-presidency is clearly stated in the law and is part of the spirit of reform

"Not surprisingly, I think constitutionally our constitution, the The spirit is clear, limiting the mandate of the president and vice is part of the desire for reform, "he told Parliament, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (28/6/2018).

With the decision according to Fadli, then Acting President Jusuf Kalla can no longer be Vice President 2019. Kalla's speech with Jokowi appeared, so some elements of society filed a judicial review of the limits of the mandate of president and vice-president

times, can no longer participate in the constellation. I think this spirit is reflected in the Court's decision. According to Fadli, it depends on the current political map. However, according to the rules of the Constitutional Court, Kalla can no longer become vice-president

. "Basically, everyone has the right to choose and vote, and I see this decision one by one if Mr. JK can no longer be such a speech that has developed with such restrictions."

Earlier a petition for a judicial review of the law regarding the term of office of president and vice president submitted by Muhammad Hafidz and the federation of The Judge's Consideration dismissed the lawsuit because the plaintiff did not have the legal capacity to to deposit a legal status.

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