Fahri asked when is the birthday, if a few ways to lose the same Ahok


AKURAT.CO Due to comments about former Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) who has just turned 52 in Mako Brimob police, politician Fahri Hamzah dibully warganet [19659002] Initially, the owner of @swulll account commented Ahok's birthday cake is very special. The cake was designed following Ahok's trip during the governor's tenure in Jakarta.

"That's what the prisoner of prisoners is not, why the different treatment?", Writes the account @swull


Fahri Hamzah Twitter account @Fahrihamzah commented that he just pity Ahok

"If I'm sorry Ahok ya … The destination of the penalty is not reached …. added the destroyed …" wrote Fahri Hamzah.

Anggie D. Widowati who using Twitter account @ idiedwidowati seemingly less comfortable with cahit Fahri Hamzah. He considered the Deputy Speaker of the House as jealous of Ahok

"When is the father of the birthday, if the small word means that the father is nothing with Ahok, I do not can not pay it, simple ". hometown not birthday … I say birthday … I'm used to calm down … I do not need to be rented for accomplishment … I'm ready to be sworn and ripped off … but I'm happy .. a big kid .. a big family .. Because every day is a new day … I'm happy … https://t.co/ischUTmojr

– # 2019HayyaAlalFalah (@Fahrihamzah) July 1, 2018

Fahri Hamzah responds long enough to Anggie's comments

"I am a villager not a birthday … I say re-day … I usually be calm … I do not need to be hired for accomplishment … I am ready to be cursed and shot on it … but I am happy … big child … big family … because every day is new day … I AM happy … wrote Fahri Hamzah

Minierose using the account @minietweets evaluates Fahri Hamzah's critique of Ahok does not reflect a politician.

"Ahok is still attacked with statements that are not worthy of a politician," he wrote.Hamzah again responded with a joke

"No one nabrak … but you put it in the middle of the highway …" Fahri Hamzah writes: "We call it becandaan yes … We are a p had serious. … "Fahri Hamzah wrote later.

Problem Place

Fahri Hamzah explains that Ahok should be jailed in a penitentiary, not at the headquarters of the National Police Corps by Brimob

"Let me close Ahok's private debate by explaining the law, it is not a prison or a prisoner The penalty is broader, it is supposed to" go back to society ", writes Fahri Hamzah.

Fahri Hamzah added that anyone convicted by the court, then declared inkrach, through a penitentiary.

" The regime treats Dah from judicative to executive. The state has a special system for this, "writes Fahri Hamzah

So, Fahri Hamzah said that in prison, a person is living a series of activities that allow him to return to society too. Build together, practice together, socialize, worship, and society, understanding mistakes and mistakes so that they come out with a new awareness.

"That's what I'm afraid of that Ahok does not come. So the intention of the state to make it "social" even out there is the impression of rejecting the "blasphemy law" and baduming that everything that happens to it is a mistake . Consequently? He is privileged, "writes Fahri Hamzah

" Be Ahok as a regret. He was punished with responsibility, and was put on a responsible basis. The result see later. All will support. He will come out with a more extreme mentality. That's what worries me, "adds Fahri Hamzah

Fahri Hamzah says the best way is to take Ahok to a penitentiary

" So, if we do not want to be wrong Then send Ahok now to LP, let him experience the important times to become independent and socially human again, that's all, "writes Fahri Hamzah []

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