Fahri claims the report on Sohibul already in the investigation


Fahri answers 16 questions during a three-hour interrogation

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Fahri Hamzah declared a defamation case in the media involving Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) President Sohibul Faith enters the investigation phase. This is because his party has already received a letter of inquiry (SPDP).

"We receive an entry commission based on the letter of instruction," Fahri told Jakarta on Tuesday, July 17. Polda Metro Jaya related allegations of defamation or electronic transaction information (ITE) that dragged PKS officials. Fahri revealed that the issuance of the SPDP indicates that the investigator has badigned or targeted the suspect in relation to the report according to two found evidence.

Fahri answered 16 questions during a three-hour interrogation as a witness. Based on the police report number: LP / 1265 / III / 2018 / PMJ / Dit.Reskrimsus dated March 8, 2018, Fahri reported Sohibul on charges of violation of Articles 27 (3) and 43 (3) of the Criminal Code. law number 19 2016 on the amendment of the law or article 311 of the Penal Code (KUHP) and / or article 310 of the Penal Code.

Fahri explained that the court broke two civil cases that won against the PKS leadership. But Sohibul still declares the statement "which leads to slander, even damaging the legal climate in Indonesia and the image of the MCC".

Fahri and Sohibul had planned to suffer allegations of defamation related to peace through the media. Investigators at Polda Metro Jaya also had time to check Fahri as a witness and Sohibul as a witness.

Even the police also requested information from Majelis Syuro PKS President Salim Segaf Aljufrie as a witness. n, t, s)
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