Fahri Hamzah called only strong people can defeat Jokowi


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Political Party of the Successful Justice Party (PKS) Fahri Hamzah considers that the presidential election battle of 2019 should bring a strong opponent to defeat Joko Widodo as a petahana.

According to him, if the opponent of Jokowi is just a person who has never jumped into society and who is not good at arguing, the victory will again be obtained by the PDIP executives.

"He (Jokowi) is strong if the opposite is not clear, pimp-pimp, baseball can be a good opponent, have argumentative data, meet everyday people. This baseball can hide must fight face-to-face "Metro Jaya, Tuesday (17/7).

Fahri's badessment of Jokowi's competitor was submitted when he was asked for information relating to his personal Twitter account on the World Cup match between France and Croatia. Fahri said that if France wins the match, the holder will win, but if Croatia wins, then the holder will lose.

Fahri claims to have developed his badysis. According to him, Croatia is a new power, while France is an established force.

Seen since the beginning of the match, Fahri said that Croatia had won two points but unfortunately the numbers were created as a goal against his side, which made it a victory for France.

Fahri also considered that Croatia's new powers tend to be as imprudent as opposition political parties. "Because the new power is frivolous, indiscriminate, not strong, just like these opposition political parties, I criticize opposition and opposition political parties that are unmanageable", he added. the data, good, defeated, prevail because of the strong holder and in this case Mr. Jokowi must be stronger, "he said.

Jokowi's strength, said Fahri, was seen when he was governor of DKI Jakarta. At that time, Jokowi was able to control the budget of 70 trillion. And currently Jokowi is able to control $ 2,240 billion.

"In the past, the governor of Jakarta controlled the budget of the Rp70 T, which is now Rp 2,240," he said.


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