Fatin Shidqia Jury jury KDI on the tragedy of expulsion A competitor


Fatin Sidqia Lubis

Kabarmaya.co.id – The entertainment world in Indonesia this time seems to be in trouble again. This time replace one of the dangdut music talent search events called Konser Dangdut Indonesia (KDI). Where the event has made a community scene, the jury that selects participants from various fields in the value of arrogant and unethical, it began when one of the participants named Waode Sofia was expelled because of her appearance that does not wear makeup and does not wear decent clothes.

The jury composed of Trie Utami, Iis Dahlia and Beniqno should be recognized as famous singers, they are also worthy of determining whether the participant is worthy to advance or not, but according to one of X Factor Indonesia champions who has now become famous singer Fatin Shidqia Lubis, their treatment was excessive and unnatural. Because when he is auditioned, he still uses school clothes and of course does not use makeup, and the result, Fatin has become a singer.

"The important thing is a boy or a girl at least and also sings.This is a talent show for singing.But even fit (again) enter the room, not say of sing (but) immediately change clothes (then) new can sing.It's funny! i'm sure i can see videos like this.and make sure that the friends who participated in the Show number one talent be honest with yourself and pbadionate singers, "says Fatin, as in Instagram Story, Thursday (7/19/2018).

Fatin does not talk tirelessly, The former participants auditioned, with the experience Fatin complained that there is no obligation to use the dress and also the makeup that shook the howl. According to Fatin the jury should give the participant the first chance to show her talent, then after commenting on her clothes, then anyone who auditions will not feel humiliated or in lecehkan

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