Films played abroad, Pevita Pearce Go International?


  Films Played Abroad, Pevita Pearce's International

'Buffalo Boys' has been screened in several international festivals, including Canada and New York.

The most recent film that played Pevita Pearce namely " Buffalo Boys " has achieved good results with the opportunity to perform in several international festivals. As was the case on Friday, July 13, the movie "Buffalo Boys" was premiered at the Fantasia Film Festival, which took place at the SGWU Diploma Auditorium, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. , Montreal, Canada. Pevita as one of the actresses of the film attended the world premiere of the film also starring Ario Bayu that.

The film was successfully played abroad, and then whether Pevita Pearce plans to become international as a talented actress? This beautiful girl has apparently not yet made the reference film played abroad to bring ambition to the international .

"This festival followed like that, yes, if for the future I see aja's there is a chance that will come to me," said Pevita Pearce told Detik Hot on Sunday, July 15th. "Suppose that there is a chance of the outside seneng also the first but still the first in Indonesia first for me," said Pevita wise sage.

More exciting again, the movie "Buffalo Boys" is not only the premiere in this prestigious event, but also in several other international film festivals. In the near future, "Buffalo Boys" has also aired at the New York Asian Film Festival 2018 in New York, USA.

Knowing that the film was well received abroad, Pevita Pearce was certainly proud. He also hopes that the film will receive a good public appreciation in his own country, Indonesia.

"Both festivals are proud of course," said Pevita Pearce. "Proud and exciting, hopefully, those who are here and, hopefully, enthusiastic, that in Indonesia too, seheboh with those who are here, this film is also a film from Indonesia", has added Pevita Pearce.

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