Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – "PING! PING!"
Who does not remember the 2008 call? At this time, mobile phone Blackberry with exorbitant prices hammering the market and slowly sliding glory Nokia.
The BlackBerry Messanger or BBM application is one of the attractions of the users of this era. This is only by sharing a PIN that users can chat with each other via BBM. No need to limit characters like SMS.
The different "stories" and distinctive features of Blackberry phones have been around for almost 10 years. Although ultimately, Blackberry started to be shifted by Android and iPhone.
Similarly with the BBM application that began to erode by WhatsApp, Line, to Telegram.
A little step back on the BBM trend that we still remember today:
1. Change DP photos
If now the style of instant messenger or social media users shows their photos on linimbada Instagram to Whatsapp.
Previously, BBM users "showed" photos by changing DP or were now known as Profile Picture.
2. Change status
Now, if the user wants to "trust", he can immediately "burst" on Twitter or Facebook. In the past, before there was all these social media, mobile BlackBerry users were "winding" BBM status.
3. PING!
Can not wait for an unread message? The PING feature is the mainstay of BBM users of their time. Not just voice notification, PING! will vibrate a little all the mobile phone. This then draws the attention of the person who sent the message.
4. Reading in progress
In the absence of Spotify, the music features of Blackberry phones can be connected to BBM status. Later, the music that the user listens to will be seen in his status. Sometimes the "Reading Now" feature can be used as a "code" to send hidden codes to "overwrite".
5. No need to use a cell phone number
If WhatsApp is to use a mobile phone number, BBM only requires a PIN. Pins made of a combination of letters must be thirsty by the other person before they can start the conversation. Invitation conferences must also be received first.
6. Only 'Diread & # 39;
Popular term at the apogee of BBM. The purpose of these two sentences is that the message we send is only marked R or read.
This means that the person who sent the message reads the incoming message but does not read. Unlike WhatsApp, this message pointer can be disabled.
Six of the above people become BBM markers that have been in the hearts of its users until now.
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