For diet, what is your ideal calorie?


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Having an ideal body is a dream for many people. People do it in many ways. They exercise diligently or really reduce the amount of their food, also called diet. There are also those who organize their breakfast and dinner. In fact, how many calories do people need each day?

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The calorie needs per day are different for each person. For example, in the United States, men are advised to consume 2,700 calories per day and 2,200 calories per woman. In the UK, men are advised to consume 2,500 calories and 2,000 calories of women.

As for Indonesia, the number of calories needed is about 1,425 to 2,725 kilocalories a day. Samuel Oetoro, a clinical nutrition specialist, explains that calorie needs are different because of differences in body weight, age, size, and activity. The younger a person is, the higher their caloric intake a day.

One way to reduce the number of calories is to start choosing low-calorie foods and cooking them in certain ways. "No fried milk and coconut, for meat, choose non-fat," he told Tempo last week.

In addition, he recommends eating more fruits and vegetables. The reason is that the calories contained are few but can still make the stomach completely full. While if you consume meat, the stomach is full while absorbing more calories.

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However, if someone has reduced the total number of calories but has not yet lost weight, this is due to a low metabolism. As a result, burn energy for slow activity. "The solution is to exercise."


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