For the sake of the Son, Ibn Jamil-Ade Maya always communicates


TANGERANG, – On behalf of their only puppets, the show's host who is also the actress of the role of Ibn Jamil and Ade Maya has agreed to stay in good communication after their divorce.

Ade also said that he will limit Ibn's chance of meeting their son, the child's guard is in the hands of Ade.

"Mas ibnu is still video call kok same child just . (19459007) We do not want to be good communications," said Ade during an interview phone call by a number of journalists on Tuesday (3/7/2018).

Read also: Ade Maya feels relieved after the divorce of Ibn Jamil

Ibn Jamil also agreed to provide Ade Maya for their son.

"Yes, the case must be the father is the responsibility.a life.) Ibn b"

Also read: In falling guard of the ex-wife, Ibn Jamil had time to meet the child

Ibn Jamil and Ade Maya chose to eliminate their selfishness to raise with their children

"Besides there is a child." We do not think our respective ego.Yes, even if there is an ex-wife or ex-husband, but this is not a child's enggak until any time. Focus besarin child aja "Ibnu said

Read also: Ibn Jamil with Ade Maya officially divorced

The marriage of Ibn Jamil with Ade Maya s & Officially ends Tuesday (3/7/2018)

They were officially declared divorced after the judges of the Tigaraksa Religious Court, Tangerang, decided to marry their verstek, because from the beginning, the series d Ibnu's sessions, as a defender, were never present. f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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