Forced provoked by Facebook


Facebook began suppressing provocative content in line with new political spending to address the potential content of violence or attacks, once they were protested by the conflict in Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

Civilians, intelligence and others, Facebook will review the content written and manipulated to badess its potential for negative impact.

Posted Washington Post Friday (20/7/2018) Facebook and local partners will verify that the information is false and which material may cause unrest in the near future. After that, Facebook will delete the content, as well as similar downloads.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg sets it up in an interview with Recode regarding their attitude towards cyber-discrimination.

Zuckerberg evaluate whether there is a big difference between false information and false information that can lead to physical violence. He referred to cases of violence in Myamnar and Sri Lanka where social media can contribute to conflict in the country, according to UN data.

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