Forests burned by the eruption of Grand Mount Agung – VIVA


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VIVA – Mount Agung bursts fairly widely, Monday night, July 2, 2018. With Strombolian-type eruption, the volcano at 3 142 meters altitude spits an incandescent lava of two kilometers.

Incandescent lava In 1965, Devy Kamil Syahbana, director of the Mount Mitigation Eastern Region Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), justified the burning of forests around Mount Agung in because of the eruption of incandescent lava. "The effects of burning lava," he said, Tuesday, July 2, 2018.

Simultaneously, he clarified the information developed in the community, if the lava began to melt in the mountains. What the community sees is not the lava jungle, but the flame of the forest is burning.

"Throwing (incandescent lava) may ngegelinding but it is not yet lava"

Mount Agung erupted again. The height of the ash column is observed at about 2,000 meters above the summit of Mount Agung. The gray columns were observed in gray with an average intensity leaning towards the west. The eruption is recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 24 millimeters and a duration of about seven minutes 21 seconds.

Dalalam PVMBG mentioned, the eruption occurs in stromboline with the sound of the boom. The eruptions of incandescent lava were observed outside the crater to reach a distance of two kilometers.

Currently, Gunung Agung is in a waking or level III state. PVMBG called people around Gunung Agung and climbers, visitors, tourists to stay, do not climb and do not do business in the danger zone, that is to say the whole area in a radius of four kilometers from the summit crater of Mount Agung

Duration of the Great Eruption of Mount up to 7 Minutes 21 Seconds

The risk prediction zone is dynamic and continuously badessed and can be modified at any time following the most recent or recent observations of Gunung Agung's observations.

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