Forget the car parking Where? Follow the tips below! You do not need to worry anymore!


SRIPOKU.COM – Parking a car while visiting a mall or a performance hall can be a problem because you have to turn and stand in line, to get a nice parking spot .

go home and find the location of the parked car, also a separate problem to forget where to park.

Especially if your car type is used a lot, which makes it hard to find by far.

Well, use the Android smartphone that you should have.

Reporting from GadgetsNow, there is now a Google badistant service that can be used to mark (pin) the location of a parking on a digital map "Google Maps".

This digital map that is already available on Android right now, you do not need to be confused to remember and circled the parking lot

Here are the steps that can be done

1. This service can only be used on Android 6.0 Marshmallow up or iOS 10 and up.

2. Make sure the application has been updated with the latest version

3. Enable location service and set voice command

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