Forget the defeat of Persija, Persib Focus Face PSKC


BANDUNG, – Persib Bandung coach, Mario Gomez, asked that adoptive children get up immediately after losing 0-1 in a Persija Jakarta clbadic play counter this weekend .

Gomez is also now focusing on preparing the team to watch the inaugural match of the PSKC Cimahi Indonesia Cup on July 4 later. An action is planned in Tasikmalaya.

"Nobody wants to lose in a fight, nobody wants to lose el clasico .We have to take what is not good and good it's important, but we still have the option, have a chance to score a goal despite the failure, "said Gomez, Monday (07/02/2018).

In the later action, Gomez hinted will be rotating players in different lines. In addition to maintaining the physical condition of the player, he also tried to give opportunities to players who did not have the chance to compete.

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"We have problems with Ezechiel, Ardi, In-kyun, they have a physical problem, but some players will come, Bojan, Supardi, Joni (Jonathan Bauman), they will come to Tasik, Febri, they too come in. I repeat, it's very important that we win here, "he said. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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