Syafruddin Arsyad Temenggung, who became the defendant in the lawsuit in the corruption court on Thursday, was the former director of the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA). In 2004, Syafruddin granted Sjamsul Nursalim, as the majority shareholder of Bank Dagang Nasional Indonesia (BDNI), BLB (Surat Lunas Lunas) BLBI (Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance)
in addition to former Vice President Boediono as a witness. introducing Todung Mulya Lubis, who now serves as Indonesia's ambbadador to Norway.
Boediono and Todung were interviewed as witnesses when the case of Syafruddin is still under investigation. Boediono was interviewed in his capacity as former finance minister, while Todung was part of the IBRA legal team and the Financial Sector Policy Committee (KKSK).
In his testimony, Boediono admitted the debt of Bank Dagang Nasional Indonesia of 2.8 billion Rp. The proposal was initiated by Syafruddin Arsyad Temenggung at a limited meeting of the Cabinet at the State Palace on February 11, 2004. However, Boediono continued, the meeting made no decision at that time -the.
"The end of the council of ministers is not over, we are finished at this moment," Boediono said.
According to the prosecutor of the Commission to Eradicate Corruption, Syafruddin is still doing debt relief. Syafruddin and KKSK claimed that his actions were with the approval of the meeting at the state palace.
In this case, Syafruddin was charged approximately Rp 4.5 billion in damages related to the issuance of BLBI SKL to Bank Dagang Nasional Indonesia (NRD). The prosecutor added that Syafruddin had enriched Sjamsul Nursalim as a controlling shareholder of BDNI in 2004. The profit of Sjamsul was badessed as a loss of state.
Syafruddin at the head of the IBRA, sued the prosecutor, supposed to abolish the claims of BDNI farmers Dipasena Citra Darmadja (PT DCD) and PT Wachyuni Mandira (PT WM)
In addition, Syafruddin also issued a letter of compliance to the shareholders' obligation. Yet, according to the prosecutor, Sjamsul Nursalim has not settled his obligation of false declaration by posting the claims of BDNI to the farmers who will be handed over to IBRA
"In this context, we do not sell the book to the 39, farmer, but we withdraw the bill. "Syafruddin said.
When Syafruddin issued SKL BLBI to Sjamsul, Boediono joined as a member of KKSK.The task of the institution headed by Dorodjatun Kuntjoro Jakti is reviewing and approving IBRA's IBRA bank restructuring plan
KKSK's work is also reinforced by Megawati Soekarnoputri's Presidential Instruction n ° 8/2002 KKSK participated in the approval of the granting of SKL to Sjamsul by decision letter KKSK No. 01 / K.KKSK / 03/2004 of 17 March 2004.
Boediono became a member of KKSK then with the head of Bappenas Kwik Kian Gie, Minister of Industry and Commerce Rini Soemarno, Minister of State Enterprises Laksamana Sukardi
In this case, Syafruddin was accused of losing the state to 4.58 billion Rp for issuing SKL BLBI to Sjamsul Nursalim. He was accused of Dorodjatun, Sjamsul and Itjih Nursalim – Sjamsul's wife
Syafruddin reportedly eliminated BDNI claims to pond farmers secured by PT Dipasena Citra Darmadja (PT DCD) and PT Wachyuni Mandira (PT WM). In addition, Syafruddin issued the Letter of Execution of the BDNI Shareholder Obligation. [fw/em]
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