Four of the 113 detainees who escaped from Lambaro Prison were successfully arrested, police banned hundreds of others


Eddy Fitriady Report | Banda Aceh

SERAMBINEWS.COM, BANDA ACEH – One by one, detainees who had escaped from the Banda Aceh Correctional Facility (LP) in Bineh Blang Village, Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar, Thursday (29/11 / 2018), were captured.

Until this news was revealed, four prisoners were successfully returned to their cells, thanks to the cooperation of Banda Aceh police officers and police officers.

This was revealed by the police chief of Banda Aceh, Commissioner Pol Trisno Riyanto SH, to the media team tonight.

Read: News – Police sue hundreds of prisoners fleeing Lambaro prison, shooting in the dark

"Up to now, four people have been arrested, three from the police station and one from the prison official," he said.

He continued to hunt 109 other unknown prisoners from the forest. Police personnel continue to be added and expand to isolated villages.

watch on the spot, a captured prisoner was then taken away by agents in the LP.

There have been several times the sound of the police taking hold of the prisoner by closing the metal door.

Read: NEWS: Prisoners in Lambaro Prison reportedly fled in heavy rain and police rushed into the street

When the policeman pulled him, the prisoner looked at first ragged. While police clothes and police officers were as muddy.

At present, the police are still guarded by the police.

Agents stayed on hold at this location despite minimal lighting.

Even dozens of new Brimob staff members have arrived to enhance security. (*)

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