Fourteen Dangerous Fish Tails Presented by West Sumatera Residents – VIVA


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VIVA – Center for Quarantine and Fish Quality Control or BKIPM Padang mentioned, up to now, there are 14 invasive or dangerous fish in the queue by the citizens. The effort was in line with a call from the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti, badociated invasive fish that must be reported if found.

A total of 14 invasive fish consisting of two Alligator Gar spatula fish, one Florida aligator fish garlic, one Tarpon fish tail and 10 fish The broom hair was delivered directly by some people from the mining predatory fish community (KIPMI)

"To date, we have received 14 invasive resident fish.The BKIPM station in Padang, at the Jalan Raya Minangkabau International Airport, is expected to open until the end of this month, "said BKIPM head Padang, Rudi Barmara, Thursday, July 5, 2018.

acceptance, continued Rudi, his team will also form a team to prosecute people who still maintain the invasive fish. This effort is in accordance with the Fisheries Act No. 32 of 2004 which was changed to Law No. 45 in 2009.

So, Rudi said, it is hoped that people who still keep the fish can deliver at the post that was formed. Because, in addition to dangerous, also violate the existing provisions.

Meanwhile, Rizki Prabowo, chairman of the Minang West Sumatra predatory fish community, said that up to 14 invasive fish were surrendered on Wednesday. Aware of making the pet fish that is considered dangerous, because the fish is forbidden.

The people of West Sumatra, Rizki continued, are numerous to keep the fish invading. Therefore, he has appealed to all lovers of fish to submit to the authorities, because all obey the rules.

"We hope that this has not been submitted, immediately handed in. We are obeying the existing rules," Rizki said. ] <! –


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