Frankly, brother reveals Syahrini Source of income


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM Syahrini is one of the most fashionable artists of luxury living. Every year, the former duo Anang Hermansyah even spends his holidays abroad.

Not only that, on every occasion, Syahrini also often wears clothes and accessories from the famous fantasy brand.

With his Glamorous Lifestyle,

  Syahrini and Aisyahrini at the Hotman Paris Show (YouTube)

Syahrini and Aisyahrini at the Hotman Paris Show (YouTube)

Through the Event Hotman Paris Show on iNews TV, the question finally found an answer. Syahrini's brother Syahrini, who is also his manager, Aisyahrani, revealed the origin of his brother's income.

"Sing him 200 million once show twice a day sometimes private ," said Aisyahrani of recent show programs. "That so I do not have to talk, dong?" But specifically for Abang (Hotman) I'm speaking now, "he continued.

Apart from singing, Syahrini has income from the family business. Not to mention, Syahrini became ambbadador of the brand a number of products.

"We are also open post Instagram We just want to post it ambbadador of the brand- Pay ambbadador of the mark this is another, a other post is also Naro in bio Instagram is also different again from the price.For a month so, want two months so, "says Aissahrani.

According to Syahrini who also presents on the show, after the source of his income is open, he hopes that the public no longer has a negative thought about the origin of his wealth

"This is not to show, is not, " Syahrini

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Author Christiya Dika Handayani


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