From the beginning of the insistence on how Aryasatya has become a Gundala, that's why Joko Anwar


Kapanlagi.comJoko Anwar finally announced the name of the actor who played Gundala in the film Gundala. As a director who also wrote scripts, since the writing process, Joko has imagined Abimana Aryasatya play the superhero character.

Considering that Abimana had refused the offer to play at Gundala, Wicky V Olindo had asked Joko to find another player. But as expected, the role eventually fell on the initial choice.

Joko maintains the argument for a crucial reason. According to him, no other actor can be like Abimana.

"The character of Sancaka or Gundala is not a hero, he can do anything, but he is fragile, so Gundala must be played by someone who has talent, a strong character and who needs to be fragile and I found it in Abimana, "explained Joko discovered in Indonesia Comic Con 2018, JCC Senayan, Jakarta Center, Sunday (10/28/2018).

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