Gadungan police Bermakus Tilang has been in action three times


The author of illegal payments of tickets on the Kasablanka crossing road

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – A 20-year-old man was secured by the Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) Polda Metro Jaya, Jalan Layang Non Tol (JLNT) Kasablanka, South Jakarta. He was caught in the act with the attributes of the police and was allegedly illegally (pungli) charged three times.

Metro Jaya Kombes public relations police chief Argo Yuwono said that the author had named Joseph Anugerah for pungli. JLNT) Kasablanka only. "Although this has only been done to JLNT Kasablanka, he has done so three times and now he is being treated by Ditreskrimum for further examination," Argo told police headquarters. of Metro Jaya Monday, July 16th.

Suspecting one of the members of JLNT Kasablanka who was seen counting several runners. Then the member visited and asked for a membership card, but the member could not show the map, so the police took him to the Jakarta police to interrogate him.

The abuser using a traffic police suit called his action to JLNT Kasihanka and ostensibly organize the traffic.

Later, the abuser saw a car driver get out of the apartment and wanted to go directly to JLNT Kasablanka, see that the attacker was firing immediately and asked for the driver's license and if not showing the letters, each car fired by him asked for money raising to Rp 50,000.

The incident was perpetrated perpetrators repeated three times in the same hour around 17:00 up to At 18:00. "The interested party has already done three activities, namely on July 12,13 and July 15, 2018, the person also has long bought shoes, clothes, pets and vests bought in various shops of Jakarta ". 2018, the author managed to get money raising to Rp 170 thousand of deception, on July 13, 2018 has Rp 150 thousand, and on July 15, 2018 has Rp 200 thousand. As a result of his actions, the author is charged with Article 378 of the Penal Code of Fraud

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