Game of Thrones shows in China make local surfers angry, why?


BEIJING, KOMPAS.comWinter is coming. It's the pbadion of the fans Game of thrones when the first episode of the last season was played Monday (15/04/2019).

However, "the winter" does not seem to have been felt by fans of mbad production HBO in China. That is, they are overflowing with resentment and anger over Weibo.

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reported The Guardian On Tuesday (16/04/2019), the anger of the fans was at the origin of the censorship of the programs broadcast in China.

SCMP preach, Game of thrones Season 8 broadcast by Tencent Video as the serial licensee of the US HBO production company.

The first episode of the eighth season that aired 48 minutes of Tencent. While the original version of the series is 54 minutes. This means that there are six minutes of the censored scene.

"I think the censored version of this movie is cutting off the stage in bed," one of the surfers told Weibo after watching the release. Game of thrones edited.

Another citizen named Bubble Wang said that if the Chinese authorities felt that this part mattered little, why would the producer want the report to work with this report?

"People who love Game of Thrones are not watching it because of badgraphy or violence, but the whole story … I do not want to miss it a bit," Wang said.

This is not the first time Game of thrones censorship. In the first episode of Season 7, Archmaester dissects the corpse and asks Samwell Tarley to weigh his heart.

Then in the first season, there is a scene where the Targaryen brothers, Viserys and Daenerys, as well as Daenerys, get ready to take a shower.

"This version of the sensor is not interesting, I'm willing to pay to watch the full version," said one user. "Mr. Tencent, do not edit the film too much," said other Internet users.

In recent years, the Chinese government has tried to put pressure on all media to clean up content deemed too vulgar or misleading politically.

As for HBO China was stalled in June 2018 after comedian John Oliver made fun of President Xi Jinping during the show Last week tonight.

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