Ganjar asked Sudirman to report to the police the admission of time at gunpoint

[ad_1] – The governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, suggested that information about the terror against the rival team of Sudirman Said-Ida Fauziyah was immediately reported to the police [19659002]. "said Ganjar, after the Halalbihalal event of the Alumni family of Gadjah Mada University (Kagama), in Wisma Kagama, Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Sunday (7/1) night.

Ganjar admitted that he had not received clear information about the event.) Sudirman said .However, he hoped that the information could be clarified and reported immediately by Sudirman to the police

"If you get mugged today, do you report it next week, next month or now?", Ganjar told reporters 19659003] Previously, Sudirman admitted that his team of success was given powder by a number of unknown people when transporting the consumption money for election witnesses Thursday (21/6). Without mentioning in detail the place, Sudirman mentions the incident on the highway

Meanwhile, after the election of the Governor of Central Java on June 27, 2018, Ganjar said that what he wanted to do, was meet Sudirman Said to keep in touch. "I only want to meet Pak Dirman (Sudirman Said)," he said.

Ganjar admitted to this day has not received congratulations from Sudirman Said. Congratulations were received by President Joko Widodo, Governor of Jakarta Jakarta Anies Baswedan, President of the Democratic Party of Struggle Megawati Soekarnoputri, a number of ministers, as well as close friends of various political parties [19659003] "(Sudirman Said) not yet, Mr. Anies (Anies Baswedan) who yesterday met with Ms. Mega, Mr. President, ministers, certainly friends from all the parties close but informal who are not senior officials", has said Ganjar again. the results of the rapid count of the Central Java 2018 election elections conducted by several parties, the upper pair Ganjar Pranowo-Taj Yasin Sudirman Said-Ida Fauziyah

The results of the rapid account held internally the Indonesian Democratic Party of fight (PDP), the pair Ganjar-Yasin is leading with a vote of 59.22% on the Sudirman-Ida couple who got a vote of 40.8%

Quick account conducted by the Indonesian Institute (Survey) (LSI) Denny JA, winning pair Ganjar-Yasin with a 58.79 percent vote on the Sudirman-Ida pair with a 41.21 percent vote.

2018 Regional Elections attended by Candidate Ganjar Ear of Pranowo-Taj Yasin with the number 1 bearing PDIP, PPP, NasDem Party, Democratic Party and Golkar Party, while Sudirman Said-Ida Fauziyah numbered 2 is carried by Gerindra, PAN , PKS and PKB Party. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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